起源和歷史: 起源於古代中國,已有數百年的歷史。最初,它是一種在街頭巷尾和市場上流行的遊戲,後來逐漸在賭場中普及。
遊戲目的和規則: 遊戲的目的是預測骰子擲出的點數組合,並根據自己的預測進行下注。根據骰子的點數組合和下注的規則,決定贏家和輸家。
遊戲道具和設備: 遊戲需要使用一個特定的賭桌和三顆六面骰子。賭桌上通常印有各種下注選項,玩家根據自己的預測在這些下注區域進行下注。
基本玩法: 遊戲開始後,玩家在賭桌上進行下注,然後莊家擲骰子。根據骰子的點數組合和玩家的下注,決定最終的結果和派彩。
It is a method of gambling with dice. In Sic Bo, each player places a bet to the banker. Before each bet, the dealer puts three dice in a covered vessel and shakes them. When all players have finished placing their bets, the dealer opens the utensils and distributes the winnings. Because the most common bet is to buy the size of the dice, it is also often called buying the size.(引文)
如何選擇投注? 基本戰術包括了解各種下注選項的派彩規則,以及根據骰子點數組合和機率進行合理的投注。
遊戲中的基本策略分享: 基本策略還包括控制下注金額,適時停止,以及避免貪婪等
如何提高勝率? 進階技巧和策略可以包括研究骰子點數組合的機率分佈,選擇合適的下注時機,以及分析遊戲走勢等。
Sic Bo is a gambling game where the house is always in an advantageous position. The player cannot use technology to improve his chances of winning, and the banker will win in the long run. The table below shows the general odds and winning chances of Sic Bo. Among all kinds of bets, “big and small” are the most beneficial to the player, but the banker still has the advantage.(引文)