Baccarat uses a shoe that normally contains eight decks. That means there will be around 70–80 hands before the shoe runs out. For that reason, baccarat games display a list of all previous results to help players spot runs and streaks. All online baccarat games offer a history of recent bets. The on-screen display shows a series of charts, known as “roads”. These roads show patterns in winning hands (e.g. Player win, Banker win, or Tie) by using red, blue, and green circles (red for Banker, blue for Player, green for Tie).(資料來源 )
策略的優點在於其簡單易行,無需花費過多腦力,也不必為下注金額的變化而煩惱。此外,這個策略適用於各種資金預算,無論您是小額玩家還是高額玩家,這個策略都是您不錯的選擇。 讓我們進一步解讀下注的關鍵,牢記下注口訣:見莊跟莊,見閒跟閒,見跳跟跳,損三暫停,虧五贏六,止於五五。首先,您會在第一輪遊戲中不下注。若首輪是莊家獲勝,您接著會跟隨下注莊家,直到莊家輸掉為止。同樣地,若首輪是閒家獲勝,您將跟隨下注閒家,直到閒家輸掉為止,避免對和局下注。
What is the best bet to make in baccarat? The best bet in baccarat is the Banker. It pays -105 but statistically has the best odds of winning. The chance of a winning Banker hand is 45.8%, compared to just 44.6% for the Player hand. However, you must always factor in the 5% commission on a winning Banker hand when you size your bets. What is the house edge in baccarat? The house edge is the difference between the payouts and the actual odds of winning in baccarat. The Banker hand bet is the best for house edge, at just 1.06%. A Player hand bet is slightly worse at 1.24%, while the Tie is 14.36%. (資料來源 )
舉個例子,在遊戲中,您決定選擇平注策略,每輪都在「閒家」上下注100元。讓我們看看可能的遊戲情景: * 第一輪:「閒家」勝。接下來的輪次您將繼續下注閒家。 * 第二輪:「閒家」勝。您仍然下注100元在「閒家」,而且「閒家」點數高於「莊家」。您 在這輪贏得了100元,即下注金額的1倍。 * 第三輪:「莊家」勝。您下注100元在「閒家」,但此次「莊家」點數高於「閒家」。您輸了這輪,失去了100元。 * 第四輪:「和局」。您下注100元在「閒家」,但此次「閒家」與「莊家」點數相同,出現和局。您不會贏也不會輸,賭注100元保持穩定。 * 第五輪:「閒家」勝。您下注100元在「閒家」,再次「閒家」點數高於「莊家」。您在這輪贏得了100元,即下注金額的1倍。
當然,娛樂之餘,我們也要理解遊戲的一些注意事項。雖然「平注」策略是簡單而有效的,但無法保證必勝。百家樂結合了運氣和技巧,平注僅是眾多策略之一,不會改變遊戲的結果。 無論您選擇哪種策略,冷靜和理智永遠是必要的。賭博首先是娛樂,享受遊戲過程最為重要!透過學習策略,您可以輕鬆又愉快地參與每一輪百家樂遊戲,無需為勝負而壓力倍增。 不論您是牌桌上的新手還是老手,這裡都歡迎您的加入,為您提供最佳的遊戲體驗。記住簡單卻有效的策略,保持輕鬆的心態,準備好從百家樂中尋找無盡樂趣!讓我們攜手體驗精彩的牌桌之旅吧!